... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

a point to ponder

I just have to say this before I forget all about it.

Everybody thinks he/she is right when most of the time other people think they're wrong.

what are your priorities?

I went to mass at Greenbelt Chapel yesterday. I like going to mass there because their homilies always make me evaluate my life and think. In short, they get through to me. At the homily, we were asked what are our priorities in life. The priest said that these priorities molds our life in so many ways. I looked up the ceiling and started counting on my fingers my priorities. Here's what I came up with:
1. Family and God
My first priority in life is my family and God. I am with a family that is closely knitted. I always think that I want a family just like what I have right now when it's my time to have one. I have a family who is emotionally, spritually and funnily bonded.

2. Friends
I am thankful to have friends who have been with me for half of my life. I am thankful to have friends who'll fight for me when I'm down and beaten. They make my life more meaningful and colorful in so may ways.

3. Work/Career
I love what I'm doing right now but sometimes it gets to the point that I had too much. There are times that I am just too stressed and tired that I can't think straight. I want to move up in the ladder. The way up is not blurry. It's just hard at times. I have a team where I get to have friends. Unlike before. It was so hard for me to have friends. Sometimes I tend to wonder if it's worth it all. But then I think again, what's enough? When is enough? I don't know. Right now I'm in it for a ride and I am enjoying the ride. It's thrilling, challenging, fun and hard all at the same time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the one with the talk, talk, talk...

I noticed that I have been working harder than I ever did. Most of the time I end up feeling stressed that I just go straight to bed. When I think of the things that takes up my time in the office I really can't say. Maybe because sometimes I thing I am doing simple things. Just simple things but it still stresses me out. I still believe that there is a much harder type of work out there. I am happy with my work. I wouldn't endure it if I'm not. It just gets the best of me sometimes. :) There's this one time (at band camp!) when I was on the way home with my mom, I simply uttered to myself: "How did life get so complicated?". By saying that, I meant life as my work. It's hard most of the times, challenging and even frustrating. I still tend to make mistakes. But I love the challenge, my co-workers and for once I can say that I have friends at work. And I just don't mean Deej. I have more than one. :)

I always thank God for the blessings that he have given me and contiously gives me. I wonder at times if I can thank him enough. But sometimes, when I'm too arrogant, I think he's just paying back for all the hardship I had before. But still, I am thankful. Most of the time, i think I have it all at this point in my life. There are some things I wish I have but they are merely wants and not needs. Hence, no need to ask for it. I wish everybody else, especially the ones close to me can be as hapy as I usually am. But I know that nobody's and no life's perfect. the only way for you to see life as perfect is too accept it's imperfections and move on. There are some things you can't change. you just have to look for a brighter side and accept it. I always believed that there are two sides for every slice of cake. I have always been somebody who looks at the brighter side of things. I learned that early on. No need to make myself miserable. I had too much drama already.