... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

what are your priorities?

I went to mass at Greenbelt Chapel yesterday. I like going to mass there because their homilies always make me evaluate my life and think. In short, they get through to me. At the homily, we were asked what are our priorities in life. The priest said that these priorities molds our life in so many ways. I looked up the ceiling and started counting on my fingers my priorities. Here's what I came up with:
1. Family and God
My first priority in life is my family and God. I am with a family that is closely knitted. I always think that I want a family just like what I have right now when it's my time to have one. I have a family who is emotionally, spritually and funnily bonded.

2. Friends
I am thankful to have friends who have been with me for half of my life. I am thankful to have friends who'll fight for me when I'm down and beaten. They make my life more meaningful and colorful in so may ways.

3. Work/Career
I love what I'm doing right now but sometimes it gets to the point that I had too much. There are times that I am just too stressed and tired that I can't think straight. I want to move up in the ladder. The way up is not blurry. It's just hard at times. I have a team where I get to have friends. Unlike before. It was so hard for me to have friends. Sometimes I tend to wonder if it's worth it all. But then I think again, what's enough? When is enough? I don't know. Right now I'm in it for a ride and I am enjoying the ride. It's thrilling, challenging, fun and hard all at the same time.


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