... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Monday, October 22, 2007

mirror moron on the wall...

I came across Jessica Soho’s show last Saturday. Her segment was about how Filipinos reacts to things said about them. This segment was brought up due to two things, I think. One is the “racial slur” of Teri Hatcher’s character in Desperate Housewives against Filipino doctors and the other one is Cory Aquino being labeled as a slut somewhere else. I have blurry details of Cory’s case. All I know is there was this skit and she has a picture in some site or at least her head was taken and placed in another body and 4 huge letters were written across the picture. As I said, it’s blurry. Or maybe it’s just because I couldn’t care less. As for Desperate Housewives case, I really wasn’t aware of it until my co-worker told me about it. He even asked me what I thought about it. I gave him my honest reply. I told him that I am a big Teri Hatcher fan so I’m a bit biased. I have to say that the “racial slur” was a bit entertaining to me rather than our first lady president being called as a slut so I went online and checked my usual stop for TV news. So there, in the forums were petitions to be signed for ABC to apologize to the Filipino community. I had to laugh on the heated exchanged of words typed on online forums. Why? Because it’s so damned petty! I’m not being un-Filipino. I love this freakin’ country even though it’s infested with corrupt politicians. But this is just way too petty. I had to agree with one comment I read online. The writer said that if all will be labeled as a racial slur then there might as well be no TV show that’ll live to see another episode. A couple of days after, I saw something on the newspaper that amuses me and irritates me at the same time. A part of our dysfunctional government gave out an interview saying that they will demand an apology from ABC! The first thing that came to my mind was: “What the fuck?!?”. That was just way too low. It was so funny and humiliating all at the same time for me to see our government, the supposedly leaders of our land, are wasting time to have a petty fight with a US network and would go to lengths to have them apologize to our wounded pride. Common! I remembered all of this when I saw Jessica Soho’s show. It was good. She showed the two point of views and she also showed how we, the Filipino people who can’t accept a joke make fun of other cultures. I admire her show and her segment that night. She hit the nail right in the head! Damn! I think she was the first one in the industry to make sense. At the end of her segment she gave out questions that I’d like us and our government to answer. She asked if we are not guilty of passing judgment to others and if we can’t focus our attention to something else. Something that is really worth arguing and fighting for, like maybe the headline I saw in a newspaper last week. It says: It’s just the President’s DOWN PAYMENT. The news was referring to the supposedly money GMA gave out to several officials for the barangay elections. THAT headline was just one of the thousand of news that we should be arguing as a country. But NO, we decided to be meek instead. And most of the time, I can’t figure out if we Filipinos are just patient or plain and simply stupid.


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