... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Whover said it was easy was dead wrong. Haha! Good thing I'm enjoying it. If not, I might as well bite somebody's head off out of frustration.

John and I are getting married this December. Yes, you read it right. And yes, I am announcing it to my blog's public. Here's the catch. We, or should I say I, decided that I am (finally) ready last June. So that gives us roughly 6 months to prepare since we so badly want to get married this year rather than the next. Plans were made and they were put to action.

For the past 2 weeks, my Saturdays were spent roaming around Metro Manila looking for THE church. On the side, my fingers were roaming the streets of the Internet looking for anything and everything about weddings. Finally, there's a light on the tunnel. Last Saturday, we finally found our church. A church that we decided we liked but guess what? Before we can book it we need to attend a seminar first. I guess that's fine. I mean, I liked it and they had an opening for the date we wanted. The next thing that we went looking for after the church was a reception place. It's a good thing that Intramuros has lots of places we can choose from. I think we're set on one of the places we visited but I still want to check some more this coming Saturday. I have already spaced out my Saturdays. John and I want to be hands-on the planning so that would mean we would need to alot time for it. What irks me the most about all this is the execution part. It's just so hot during the afternoons. I think my skin will be burned already by the time I wear my wedding dress! I am enjoying it but I just wish it's not that hot. And it really gets me at times. I'm hoping that with my new work schedule, my Saturdays would be better.

*Sighs* We just found the church. That's just the step one amongst the other hundred things we need to do. This experience will be bittersweet.

And also. Whoever said getting married is cheap is a lunatic!


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