... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Friday, June 13, 2008

blog from the past

I think I am having a whatever-you-call-it life crisis again. Again. Yes, again. I am such a Drama Queen.I have everything that I need and more but I still find myself feeling unhappy. I am such an ingrate, I know. It's just that there are really these times wherein I wish I can do whatever it is that I want and not think of the consequences. That I don't have to answer to anybody. That I can do as I please. But instead, I often find myself doing things that I know would please people around me and in the end make myself miserable.I had so many thoughts about this issue when I was on my way to work. Now, words fail me...

I officially hate "The Whip Cracker". Why? Because of this reply in the email:
This is no way to take care of a customer
Why can we not get this problem fixed
Let me point out a couple of things:
1. You do not know what the hell you are talking about. Try to troubleshoot an issue for 3-4 hours without remotely connecting to the users PC and imagining it all happening in your mind only to find a dead end because you have exhausted all possibilities and still fail to do so. Mind you, I am not a failure. This organization is a failure! Apparently I am not the only Technician having issue with the freakin' thing!
2. Nobody else has encountered that issue. I need TIME to research but guess what. I DON'T HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW!!! Why? Because there are also 10 things that demands my URGENT attention all at the same time.
3. Mind you. I am one of the BEST when it comes to that issue on this team. I am also the one who is up to the task of spending hours on calls just to see a resolution. So don't talk to me as if I'm not bothering to try.
4. I am just picking up the pieces that you freakin' people left off. You implement something and then hell breaks lose?!? Seriously, try to do a better job. You are well paid to do a good job. I'm not but I still try.
So... Get off your high horse and let me see you do something. Asshole!

I am in a financial rut... :(How it happened, I prefer to say "I don't know". When in truth, I mishandled my finances. Grrr! I hate this! This is so not me.


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