... the game called life. Wherein it is in trials that we grow to be beautiful.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

other side

I have been on both sides of the road. I have been a pedestrian walking along the streets of Manila amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. I have also been a driver seated in a comfortable chair, the air conditioning system blasting away the heat and if it’s raining preventing Mother Nature from getting me wet. Yes, I have been on both sides.

I used to be a nasty driver. When I say nasty, I meant someone who had very little regard for other drivers and pedestrian. And then it hit me. Most often than not I am a pedestrian, then why the hell am I so nasty to them? I thought that was a good realization. Then another one came onto me. Between the pedestrian and the driver, the driver is at a better place. Why? If it is so hot outside and you are walking along the streets, believe me, it’s no fun to be out there. But if you were a driver, you are inside your car not only protected from the heat but also blessed with cool air blasting through the aircon system. If it is raining and you are still walking along the streets, you can’t help it but sooner or later YOU will get wet. But if you were a driver, you are protected from rain and you certainly won’t get wet. Does anybody else in here see my point?

So this morning on my way to work, I had my umbrella on my right hand and my sandwich, which is my breakfast, on my left. It was a balancing act considering I have a bad left index finger. I waited patiently for the light on Chino Roces to turn red so I can peacefully cross the street. It turned red and I stepped off the sidewalk to cross the street when a Ford Escape who wanted to turn right comes along. What did the fucking driver do? Honk incessantly so the pedestrians would clear out. What a bully?!? There were less than 5 pedestrians who were trying to cross the street. Would it have killed HER if she waited while she’s on her luxurious and comfortable car? I don’t think so. We on the other hand had to scamper away so as not to get into an accident. I looked back to check the driver out. That was when I saw that it was a woman driving the car. And I thought women were more sensitive. Apparently, if men driver can be bastards, women can be bitches.

I wished that she would experience the same thing she did to me and the others. I wish she’d be on the other side of the road. By then, I think will she only understand how it is to give courtesy to others.

I said I am a nice driver. But only to those
who counts. For the other bastards and bitches on the streets, I am the same. Two can definitely play that game. *evil laugh*

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Monday, April 27, 2009

To the end of Luzon and back

We did it! We would mean my insane self, insane husband and insane friends. We went to Pagudpud and were back in Manila 53 hours after. If that is not insanity, I don’t know what else is.

We left Manila at 10PM, Friday. We arrived at Laoag, Fort Ilocandia at around 8AM the next day. We had breakfast and went to the infamous Sand Dunes. I never saw it the first time we went there so going there this time was a treat. It was a really nice place. It was like a desert with grass on it. Hehehe! We also went to the Sinking Bell tower then headed to Pagudpud with a stopover at the lighthouse and wind mills. Our friends were all photographers (One was a professional, check out his site: jps244.multiply.com and the others were can I say novice (?)). So we had these pit stops so they can take their pictures while John and I most of the time stayed in the car and snacked or slept.

We arrived at our resort at around 3-4PM. We went to our separate rooms and attended to our much injured hygiene. John and I (despite of him having 1 hour to no sleep at all) went out of our cave at around 5PM. We might as well make time for things since we really have a very tight time table and I badly need a dip on the beach. God bless my husband for putting up with me and despite the comfort of the bed, still went out with me and explored the beach. We first grabbed a snack, which was a mango crepe at a resort far from ours. We headed back to our resort’s beach front and tested the Pagudpud waters. Ah! The feel of the salty water against my body was so relaxing. I very much needed that. I strongly believe that having a dip in the sea recharges my body. And since I have been working my pretty ass off for the past week, I knew that I deserved that and it was indeed heaven! It was getting a bit chilly at around 6:30PM so I told John that we should probably head back to our rooms. We took a shower and I was in search for dinner. We missed lunch.

We had dinner at around 7:30PM. I would have to say that despite the reviews that food around Pagudpud resorts were pricey, the one we had was pretty reasonable based on price and it was also of good quality. Despite having difficulty due to my previous surgery, I was still able to eat plenty. We then decided to play Taboo since our stomach’s need ample time to digest the feast we just had. It was girls vs boys and what can I say? The girls won both of the games we played. I think we hurt our guy’s egos. We then headed for a much needed sleep since we all are starting to look like we’ve been hit by a train already.

7:45AM, Sunday. Bright and early yet we got out of the comfort of our beds and went to church. One problem though, the mass was in ilokano and the parts of the mass was not in the same order as we came to know. It slipped our tired minds to ask for the schedule of the English mass. Oh well. The weather in Pagudpud last Sunday was a bit unforgiving. It has been raining non-stop from morning until we left for Laoag. We got to visit the “via duct” bridge and Blue Lagoon and had a quick brunch at the resort and were on the road again for Laoag. At Laoag, we went to see Marcos’ remains. Our friends got to see him since my index finger got into a terrible accident.

After Marcos we went to visit Paoay church. That really is a beautiful church. And you know what else makes it more beautiful? The café right across it named Café Herencia. We had pinakbet pizza back then and John and I wanted to have our friends try it too! We also ordered Dinuguan pizza this time. And if we thought the PInakbet Pizza was good, we were blown away by the Dinuguan pizza! It was so good I think each of us can consume a box of our own. We then headed to Vigan for more pictures and food trips.

We arrived at the Vigan bell tower/church at around 5:20PM. They took pictures while John and I had our QT. Hahahaha! After that we headed to the old town and ate empanadas at the town center, bought pasalubongs and they again took pictures. John and I snuck out and got halo-halo from Max’s. Whenever they were busy taking pictures, John and I were also busy eating! Hahahahaha! I saw the grill feast that Café Leona was having. It was pretty interesting. They had like 5 siling pang-sinigang on a stick and it was to be roasted too. Yum! Too bad we can’t try that yesterday but I was told they always have the grill feast every Thursday, Sunday and Monday. I took note of that and promised myself to try it next time.

After all has been eaten, seen and photographed we then headed back to Manila. We arrived at JP’s place 3:30AM. And John and I got home at around 4:20AM. And later, I was in the office by 8. Sigh. It was tiring. I wouldn’t deny that but that was one heck of a very fun road trip! In a small amount of time we have accomplished a lot of our want-to-do lists! Can’t wait for the next one! =)

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

losing my wisdom

I had my *very* impacted "wisdom" tooth pulled out last Friday afternoon. I had to wait for two weeks to finally have it pulled out. Things just kept on happening that prevented me from getting it done. And now that it is finally over I am reaping it's painful benefits.

I think I am quite lucky enough not to be suffering the horror stories I have heard from other people who have gone through the same thing. Although my dentist said mine was a harder procedure. I would think so since it took 1 vial and a half of anesthesia, two dentists, a set and a half of thread for the stitching and more than an hour for the entire procedure. The whole time my mouth was forced to open wider than it usually can. How much can a girl take?

Anyway, back to my luck. It did hurt after the operation but 4 hours after half of my mouth was still heavily affected by anesthesia. It made me think that they went really trigger happy with it. Which I would say is a good thing for me. No wonder my bill went so high! LOL! The morning after, I felt different of course. My gums were badly beaten and it felt like I have a hard candy perpetually stuck where my tooth was. In short, it was swollen. But not that noticeable. It didn't hurt that much either. Which is really a great sign. I have been dreading the after effects but I don't seem to have them. I even opted not to take mefenamic since it doesn't hurt at all. That was until my mom said the the meds were supposed to help the swelling too. I had trouble talking and laughing but it's for the best, I guess. The world can rest for a few days from my nonsense.

And now, 3 days after, it is still swollen. A bit better from yesterday. It doesn't bleed anymore. I can tell. It doesn't taste like it anymore. BUT I crave for real food already. I. AM. HUNGRY. SOmebody better feed me before I get cranky. :P John? =)